Global HOPE: Tackling Childhood Cancer in Africa
On August 9th, 2018, The East African Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Fellowship program celebrated the graduation of its first class of four fellows in Kampala, Uganda. This was just two months after 6 children and their parents rang the survivor bell at the Kamuzu National Referral Hospital in Malawi. Until recently, these milestones in pediatric healthcare in Africa were scarce.
Better together
2018 SLAOP-SIOP Session of Young Investigators
My name is Liliana Vásquez, pediatric oncologist from Lima, Peru and I am happy to announce the II SLAOP-SIOP session of Young Investigators to be held on March 14, 2018 at IOP / GRAACC / UNIFESP in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Pre-congress meeting of #SLAOP2018).
Doing cancer research in a developing country
Hi everyone! I’m Gemma, I’m a YI Board member and co-chair of the Blog working committee. Today I’m delighted to introduce Francianne Andrade, a PhD candidate from Brazil and a new YI committee member. Here’s what Francianne has to say about the importance of doing research in a developing country:
My name is Francianne and I am a Ph.D. student in Brazil. I am a graduate in Biomedical Sciences. Today I would like to share about my difficulties and the gratifying experience in a research career in a developing country. I am part of the team for molecular diagnosis and study of hematological diseases, specifically identifying genetic abnormalities as part of the characterization of acute leukemias in children.
Would you like to join the Young Investigator’s Network Committee?
The SIOP Young Investigators Network (YI-NET) Committee is looking for new committee members.
Childhood Cancer in Cameroon
Hi, my name is Jess Morgan –I’m a member of the SIOP YI-NET board and an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in the UK (I work part time as a clinician, and part time as a researcher). This week, I’ve been asked to share about my recent trip to visit a children’s cancer service in Cameroon, West Africa.
SIOP Young Investigators Educational Day 2017
Hi, I’m Jess and I’m the chair of the SIOP YI-NET Educational Day committee for 2017. I’m writing today to let you know more about the Educational Day this year and to hopefully get you excited about all the different opportunities on offer!
Getting Involved in the YI Network
Over the last three years, the SIOP Young Investigator Network has been constantly growing thanks to the hard work of Young Investigators, the SIOP board and many enthusiastic senior SIOP members who supported us on our way to establish a platform made by and for Young Investigators. I am writing these lines to encourage Young Investigators reading this to become active in our network and to take away the doubts about the work load the active membership brings with it.