Principles of writing a good abstract and the requirements for a SIOP nursing abstract submission
Grant Writing
Julia Staykova runs a small training and consulting company, Scriptorium, dedicated to helping scientists write better grants.
Shut up and Write!
Hi everyone! I’m Gemma, a SIOP YI board member and member of the blog committee. Over the next month on the blog, we will be focusing on different aspects of academic writing.
SIOP Young Investigators Educational Day 2017
Hi, I’m Jess and I’m the chair of the SIOP YI-NET Educational Day committee for 2017. I’m writing today to let you know more about the Educational Day this year and to hopefully get you excited about all the different opportunities on offer!
Top Five Reasons to Attend the SIOP YI Educational Day
So you’re coming to the SIOP Congress this year and you’re excited to hear the lectures, see Washington DC, and maybe get a nice pair of Ivanka Trump shoes. But should you come one day early to attend the YI Educational Day? The short answer is “yes”. For the long answer, see below.
My Experience with Grant Writing
Hi again, this is Anna from the Netherlands. As a PhD student, my experience in grant writing is not extensive but I think it is enough for sharing in this post what has been a very interesting and learning experience during my PhD journey.