An event to disseminate the activities of the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer in the Region of the Americas
Strategies to Diminish Oncology Work-Related Stress
As discussed in last week’s blog post, Understanding Emotional Distress among Oncology Providers, there are significant behavioral, psychological, and physical health-related effects of working in a highly stressful work environment. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to buffer the effects of stress and burnout. The good news is that, by reading this blog series, […]
Understanding Emotional Distress among Oncology Providers
Here at the SIOP blog this month, we wanted to continue to focus on the mental health of care providers. In doing so we hope to ultimately provide resources to both recognize emotional distress in our colleagues and ourselves, as well as provide coping techniques. Below is an excerpt from from an anonymous medical professional […]
Perspectives on Mental Health from a Researcher Working on a Project with Children with a Poor Prognosis
Hi Everyone! My name is Gemma, I’m a researcher in Paediatric Palliative Care and a SIOP YI Board member. As part of our mental health month, today I am posting on behalf of my colleague Dr Ellen M Henderson, who shares her experience of working on a longitudinal study of decision making with children with brain tumours.
It’s Mental Health Month on the SIOP YI Blog!
My name is Rene Marke, I am a 4th year PhD student and board member of the SIOP-YI network. I would like to welcome you to the SIOP YI Mental Health month.