Childhood Cancer in Cameroon
Hi, my name is Jess Morgan –I’m a member of the SIOP YI-NET board and an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in the UK (I work part time as a clinician, and part time as a researcher). This week, I’ve been asked to share about my recent trip to visit a children’s cancer service in Cameroon, West Africa.
Perspectives on Mental Health from a Researcher Working on a Project with Children with a Poor Prognosis
Hi Everyone! My name is Gemma, I’m a researcher in Paediatric Palliative Care and a SIOP YI Board member. As part of our mental health month, today I am posting on behalf of my colleague Dr Ellen M Henderson, who shares her experience of working on a longitudinal study of decision making with children with brain tumours.
It’s Mental Health Month on the SIOP YI Blog!
My name is Rene Marke, I am a 4th year PhD student and board member of the SIOP-YI network. I would like to welcome you to the SIOP YI Mental Health month.
My experience of working at a pediatric oncology camp
Hi everyone! Today I am posting on behalf of YI NET Member Diana Withrow, who is sharing her experiences of volunteering at a pediatric oncology camp.
For the past six nights, I have slept on a bottom bunk and awoken to the view of the Shenandoah Valley out my window. I have shared a space smaller than my bedroom with five people – my co-counselors and three 11- and 12-year-old survivors of childhood cancer. For the girls, it was their first time at Camp Fantastic, an NIH-affiliated weeklong overnight camp in Virginia exclusively for children affected by cancer.
Welcome to Fellowship!
Hi Everyone! I’m David, a member of SIOP YI. Today I am posting on behalf of Matthew Henderson, a new clinical hematology/oncology fellow at Akron Children’s Hospital in Akron, Ohio, who was kind enough to share his excitement in his first month in pediatric heme/onc fellowship.