Articles of interest

Downing J, Powell RA, Marston J, Huwa C, Chandra L, Garchakova A, Harding R. Children’s palliative care in low- and middle-income countries. Arch Dis Child. 2016 Jan;101(1):85-90.

De Lima L. Palliative care and pain treatment in the global health agenda. Pain. 2015 Apr;156 Suppl 1:S115-8.

Downing J, Knapp C, Muckaden MA, Fowler-Kerry S, Marston J; ICPCN Scientific Committee. Priorities for global research into children’s palliative care: results of an International Delphi Study. BMC Palliat Care. 2015 Aug 4;14:36.

Balkin EM, Thompson D, Colson KE, Lam CG, Matthay KK. Physician Perspectives on Palliative Care for Children With Neuroblastoma: An International Context. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016 Jan 19.

Weaver MS, Yao AJ, Renner LA, Harif M, Lam CG. The prioritisation of paediatrics and palliative care in cancer control plans in Africa. Br J Cancer 112(12):1845-56, 2015.

Caruso Brown AE, Howard SC, Baker JN, Ribeiro RC, Lam CG. Reported availability and gaps of pediatric palliative care in low- and middle-Income countries: A systematic review of published data.   J Palliat Med 17(12):1369-83, 2014.

Gómez, Wendy.  Terapia Metronómica: una opción para el control del cáncer en pacientes en tratamiento de intención no curativa. Perspectiva Pediátrica Latinoamericana. Vol. 2 No. 4. Octubre 2014.


Web Resources (multi-lingual versions available online)

Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance and World Health Organization. Global Atlas of Palliative Care at End of Life. London, 2014. Available at:

World Health Organization: WHO definition of palliative care. Available at

Fact Sheet on Palliative Care published by WHO in July 2015, inclusive of pediatric palliative care. Available at:

International Children’s Palliative Care Network. Available at:

African Palliative Care Association (APCA) Resources. Available at:

For other resources: