SIOP has been a part of the ever-growing global, multidisciplinary and online knowledge-sharing network SOSIDO since 2015 and many SIOP members appreciate and enjoy the weekly email digest which shares updates from the SIOP community.

Sosido was created for and by healthcare associations to speed knowledge transfer, promote collaboration, highlight the important work and research by members, and publicize the contributions of each specialty group to the broader healthcare community.

SOSIDO Email Digests for SIOP Members

SIOP members who joined or renewed their membership prior to April 30 of the current membership year will receive a weekly email digest with a summary of activity in their community.

Members don’t have to log in to participate, and anything that’s important will come to their inbox.

The digest contains:

  • News and updates from SIOP, pulled automatically from SIOP’s website, blog or Twitter feed.
  • A summary of new publications authored by fellow SIOP members. Sosido automatically tracks and features member publications, providing a current and complete snapshot of the work of your community.
  • New articles from your chosen journal feeds. SIOP chooses a few feeds to start, and SIOP members can change their feeds to suit their own interests.

Members can customize their digest to change their journal feeds or follow other associations of interest.

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What is SOSIDO?

SOSIDO ( is a global, multidisciplinary, online knowlege-sharing network designed to speed the sharing of clinical knowledge amongst healthcare professionals. Launched in 2011, SOSIDO has  over 35 groups (see all groups) and 19,000 clinicians and researchers active on the SOSIDO network.

How does SOSIDO work?

How does SOSIDO work?

SIOP members receive a weekly email digest with a summary of SIOP activities. Members don’t have to log in to participate, and anything that’s important will come to their inbox. The digest contains:

News and updates from SIOP

> A summary of new publications authored by fellow SIOP members. SOSIDO automatically tracks and features member publications, providing a current and complete snapshot of the SIOP work.

New articles from your chosen journal feeds. SIOP chooses a few Journal feeds to start with, and members can change their feeds to suit their own interests.

Members can customize their digest to change their journal feeds or follow other associations of interest.

For more information, see our slide tour of Sosido or contact us.

Are there any tutorials?

Video Tutorial #1: General Overview: What is Sosido? (2 min, 15 sec)

Video Tutorial #2: How to set or reset your password on Sosido (1 min, 40 sec)

Video Tutorial #3: How to customize your email digest (2 min, 30 sec)

Video Tutorial #4: How to ask a question on Sosido (2 min, 40 sec)

Video Tutorial #5: How to answer a question on Sosido (2 min, 15 sec)

Anything else you’d like to know? Email

My publications are not featured in the weekly email digest?

SOSIDO only tracks and features publications of SIOP members who joined or renewed the society prior to April 30 (of the current membership year). Unsure about your membership status? Contact our membership team at

Join SIOP or Renew your membership

What happens if I do not renew or join SIOP before the April 30 deadline ?

Your status will change from a full member of the SIOP community on Sosido (where we track and feature your publications) to a follower of the SIOP community on Sosido (where you will still get the weekly email digest with member publications and news/notices from SIOP, but don’t have your own publications tracked or featured).

In other words, if you do not renew your SIOP membership on time, SOSIDO will stop tracking your publications. Any of your publications released while your membership is lapsed or after the April 30 cut-off date will not be featured in the SIOP email digest and will not be posted on your Sosido profile.

Join SIOP or Renew your membership

I am an IPSO (Int Society of Paediatric Surgical Oncology) member?

SIOP does not manage the IPSO Membership. Please contact the IPSO Secretary directly for any assistance at