SLAOP (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Oncología Pediátrica A. C.) is the Latin American branch of SIOP (SIOP Latin America).

Dr Andrea M Cappellano (Brazil)

Dr Milena Villarroel (Chile)
President Elect
The Latin American Continental Branch, Sociedad Latino Americana de Oncología Pediátrica (SLAOP), was founded in 1979 by a group of pediatric oncologists in Montevideo (Uruguay) and aims to optimize the care of children with cancer residing in Latin America.
SLAOP works to establish accurate epidemiological regional data, consolidate and increase cooperative work groups, define evidence-based treatment protocols, enhance childhood cancer awareness and improve diagnosis and treatment of children with cancer in Latin America.
The SLAOP is currently integrated by 17 countries, covering a total population of more than 450 million people. Approximately 30% are under fifteen years of age and about 20,000 children (and their families) will receive a diagnosis of cancer yearly in Latin America.