Pediatric Blood and Cancer (PBC): the Official Journal of SIOP

Pediatric Blood & Cancer (PBC), published monthly (online only) by Wiley-Blackwell, is the official journal of  the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) and ASPHO.

Pediatric Blood and Cancer CoverPeter E. Newburger, MD, of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, serves as Editor-in-Chief. Thomas Gross, MD, of the NIH in Rockville, MD, is Deputy Editor. Editorial board members represent the international constituencies of both ASPHO and SIOP.

PBC publishes manuscripts describing basic and clinical investigations of blood disorders and malignant diseases of childhood, including diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, etiology, biology, and molecular and clinical genetics of these diseases as they affect children, adolescents, and young adults. The journal also includes the section “On Children, Blood, and Cancer” which features personal perspectives on the experiences of children with cancer or blood disorders, or of caring for these children.

Information for SIOP Members

How to access PBC?

Pediatric Blood & Cancer is available directly through the SIOP membership page.

SIOP members should follow the instructions below for free and full journal access. Non-members or lapsed members can access a limited view of the journal, or join SIOP or renew their membership for full access.

Access PBC free of charge through your membership account in SIOP CONNECT:

  1. Go to the SIOP CONNECT
  2. Login with your membership credentials* (if you are not already logged in)
  3. On the main menu bar, please go to “Quick Links”
  4. Under “Quick Links” select “PBC Journal Access” which takes you directly to the full access secured PBC content for our members

*Forgot your username or password? Click here to reset it.

Questions? Please contact SIOP Member Services at with questions or issues regarding your online journal access.

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How to receive content alerts?

Once logged in via our SIOP CONNECT PBC membership link, you can sign up for email alerts by entering your email to receive alerts when new articles and issues are published.

European Journal of Oncology Nursing (EJON)

For our nurse members, we offer the choice of either PBC or EJON.

You selected one Journal or the other when you signed up for SIOP. EJON is available either online or as a paper copy. You made your choice when you signed up for SIOP. If you wish to check what choice you have selected, please contact the SIOP Membership Coordinator at

If you selected online access to EJON, please follow these instructions in order to activate your online access.

If you selected a paper copy of EJON, it will be mailed to the home address that you provided when you signed up to SIOP. If you wish to change the address where you receive your paper copy of EJON, please contact

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Please contact our membership team at to inquire about your current membership status.