Clinton Frieda, Ms

Clinton Frieda, Ms


Frieda is a paediatric advanced nurse practitioner with over 25 years’ experience in paediatric cancer care. I received my Master’s in Advanced Practice in April 2007 and I was accredited by the Nursing Midwifery Board of Ireland as the first paediatric advanced nurse practitioner in Ireland.

The central tenets of my role are to provide timely, expert clinical assessment, and holistic nursing care for children with a diagnosis of cancer that have complex health care needs who are attending the haematology oncology unit and who require chemotherapy and management of side effects throughout their treatment providing appropriate supportive care.

I have also developed anti-emetic guidelines within our unit and also a screening tool to detect chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. I am also involved in many audits reviewing the care that our patients receive.

I also act as a resource for other paediatric centres and the community in relation to caring for patients and their families nationally and internationally.


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