Dear SIOP Leaders,

Sincere thanks to our SIOP leaders for your hard work and dedication to SIOP and SIOP members. Please take a few minutes to see the variety of activities that has been developed and offered last 2 months as well as a few updates and opportunities.

Updates on the Wonderful Work and Initiatives across the Society

1.       The SIOP GHN Psychosocial Wellbeing WG held an educational session on Standards for Psychosocial Care in Pediatric Cancer Project in LMIC on 8/28.24.

2.       The PARC Program announced its 2nd Request for Proposals from cooperative groups and disease-specific groups.

3.       SIOP ASIA invited self-nominations for SIOP Asia Board members representing the 4 subregions of Asia (due Oct 15, 2024).

4.       SIOP SWOT Survey was sent out – please take 10 min to share your feedback before Oct 6, 2024.

5.       SIOP Education Committee and IPA are continuing work on the first iteration of an online educational module for early diagnosis, aimed at pediatricians and primary care doctors.

6.       The GHN PROS WG held an educational webinar on 9/27/2024 on “Radiotherapy in Bone Sarcomas”.

7.       The PPO Network is accepting self-nominations for 2 Steering Group member positions by 10/30/24.

8.       The Senior Management Team (SMT) invited proposals for Continental Presidents and from SIOP Networks – please submit by 9/30/2024 and many thanks to those who already submitted their proposals.

9.       The Nursing Network marked Sept 8, the International Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses’ Day. We celebrate the incredible dedication and compassion of paediatric oncology nurses around the world!

10.   The SIOP Advocacy Committee attended the World Cancer Congress and hosted two sessions. Furthermore, the Committee encouraged members and partners to mark Gold September. Reports on buildings around the world being lighted in gold have come in from many SIOP members.

11.   The SIOP Supportive Care Network launched the SIOP Mentorship Project, to be coordinated by Dr. Ahmed Kamal. This Mentorship project will bring together 5 pairs of SIOP members – young professionals with more experienced SIOP members who are willing to mentor the young professionals in the course of 12 months.

12.   The Governance Committee approved the TOR of the SIOP Global Health Network and the SIOP GHN Partnerships WG.

13.   The Supportive Care Network’s project, ZIPPY GAME, which was funded with SMT fund for season 2023/2024 has shared an update of its progress. It also held an education session on Blood and Blood Products on 9/19/24.

14.   The GHN Traditional and Complementary Medicine WG is inviting self-nominations for WG Co-Chair position by 10/2/2024.

15.   GHN Partnerships WG held a very successful “Spotlight on India” session with 100 attendees on 9/18/24.

16.   The GHN Research and Innovations WG held an educational session on Palliative Care on 9/19/24.

17.   The SIOP Membership Committee will open 2025 membership renewals around 10/15/24 to give a chance to people who wish to renew in person at the Congress to be able to do so. In year 2024, the Committee saw an increase of 16% in SIOP membership.

18.   The SIOP WHO NSA Committee advocated for that childhood cancer to be included in the 4th High level meeting on NCDs where Governments set a vision for NCDs towards 2030 & 2050 via Political Declaration. Regarding WHO GICC progress, the Committee contributed to the Global Cancer Status Report.

19.   The Essential Medicines WG analyzed data from the Global Access to Rituximab for Children with Cancer Survey and are also working on the revision of the WHO Essential Medicines List for Children, jointly with SIOP Europe.

20.  The SIOP Global Mapping Project released a new publication in Pediatric Blood & Cancer (PBC), titled International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Global Mapping Program: Analysis of healthcare centers in countries of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Oncology (SLAOP)”.

21.   The GHN Palliative Care WG held an educational webinar on Palliative Care for Children with Central Nervous System Malignancies on 9/11/24.

22.   The SIOP Scientific Committee is gearing up for an excellent Congress – we have some 2000 registrations! Well done to the whole team!

23.   SIOP Oceania shared a program update with the Oceania members on 9/27/24.

24.   SIOP Nutrition Network held an educational webinar on 9/25/24 and has called for nominations for a Steering Group member.

For your general SIOP Knowledge

25.   The SIOP Secretariat has developed a FAQ page to help with usage of SIOP CONNECT.

26.   If you wish to join any of the SIOP Networks or Working Groups, please join them through SIOP CONNECT > Groups.

Upcoming Congresses

1.       SIOP 2024 Congress (Hawaii) registration is now open. PLEASE CONSIDER ONLINE VIDEO RECORDING Access if you are not able to attend in person. Video Recording access starts at 150 USD/person. After Jan 2025, all recordings will be available for free on SIOP CONNECT.

If you have offered any member activities in August & Sept 2024 and this summary does not capture it, please update the Secretariat so that we can highlight your work in the future! We look forward to your activities and member engagement offerings in Oct 2024! Feel free to reach out if you need any help with your activities.


Warm regards,

SIOP Secretariat