News from the Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society (PROS)
PROS-ESTRO Teaching Course Bangkok, Thailand, December 3rd – 5th, 2016.
The course war designed for trainees and specialists in radiation oncology. The three day course aimed at communicating knowledge in the pathobiological behaviour of different paediatric malignancies, multidisciplinary management concepts of specific radiation oncology issues including planning strategies and delivery techniques adjusted to paediatric malignancies, cure rates, risks for side effects and radiological anatomy for precise treatment planning. The issues covered included medulloblastoma, ependymoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, high grade glioma and Hodgkin lymphoma. Concepts for paediatric radiation oncology in low and middle income countries were also addressed. Basic principles in chemotherapy in childhood malignancies were presented. Web-based cases were provided for contouring before the course. They were discussed during the course. 143 participants from 7 East Asian countries. The evaluation showed a great acceptance. The next PROS ESTRO Teaching Course will take place in Brüssels, November 30th – 2 December 2nd 2017.
Our next meetings
PROS will hold its 6th congress in New York, from June 22nd-24th, 2017
Location : Memorial Sloane Kettering cancer Center
We are expecting the congress to be attended by radiation oncologists from all over the world involved in treating children with cancer as well as resident physicians-in-training, nurses, radiation therapists, physicists and dosimetrists. The aims of the congress are to exchange knowledge and data and promote research and education, and to assist members from developing countries in the selection of appropriate radiation technologies and the proper use of them as well as the training of personnel.
The overarching topic of the 6th congress addresses :
Innovative developments in paediatric radiation oncology:
opening new appoaches in curative treatments for childhood cancer.
The congress will include the following topics:
Modern treatment technologies, New approaches in medical physics, Controversies in rare tumours, Management of childhood cancer in the young adults, Contouring and dose constraints, Immunmodulation and radiotherapy in childhood cancer, New approaches and controversies in childhood brain tumours, Radiotherapy in low and medium income countries
SIOP Washington 2017
There will be one educational day before the meeting roragized by local peadiatrci radiation oncologists together with PROS.
As part of SIOP PODC program, PROS LMIC committee will organize LMIC Radiation Oncology Symposium (Convenors: Natia Esiashvilli and Jeannette Parkes) on Day -1: Thursday October 12; Session 2, 10h15 to 11h45.
Initiatives for Low and Medium income countries
PROS LMIC committee formed a working group within SIOP PODC with the aim to improve pediatric radiation oncology in LMIC through collaboration with each of the existing SIOP PODC group. The group started monthly meetings using Cure4Kids platform and currently registered 25 members.
K Marcus (President Elect)