The plans for the 2018 Congress in Kyoto are proceeding well. An exciting and productive meeting is anticipated with opportunities to network with your global colleagues The following are updates on the SIOP organization
- Elections: Seven nominations were received for the position of President Elect. The nominating committee short listed four for the final ballot for the membership, which is now underway. The result will be announced in Kyoto. We are very appreciative of those willing to stand and donate their time to SIOP
- Site bids for 2021 Congress; The bids have been received and Kenes is preparing an extensive evaluation of the sites on which the extended board will decide. The winner will be announced at Kyoto.
- Constitution and By-laws. The board is considering some changes to aid clarification on the running of the organization. These will be submitted to the membership for electronic voting.
- New Membership fee structure reminder:
- Healthcare providers from low-income countries Euro 20
- Healthcare providers from middle-income countries Euro 80
- Physicians from high-income countries Euro 205
- Non-physician healthcare providers from high-income countries Euro 80
The strength of SIOP is in its global diversity. We urge you to encourage your colleagues in medicine , nursing and associated oncology healthcare professionals to join our growing SIOP global network.
Best wishes and look forward to seeing you in Kyoto
Scott & Paul