Latin America SIOP Summer Edition Newsletter


Entre el 5 y 8 de Abril 2017 en Buenos Aires se realizó el XXVIII Congreso de SLAOP  con muy  buena evaluación y asistencia. Se incluyen 4 diapositivos con la información.

Se discutió una propuesta de trabajo con SIOP donde en lo básico se estuvo de acuerdo en hacer un trabajo conjunto SLAOP/SIOP, de tal forma que SLAOP sea la cara visible de SIOP en Latinoamérica . Se decidió por votación que sigan existiendo dos instituciones separada cada una con sus autoridades propias y con una página web propia. Se pagará una cuota SLAOP y otra cuota SIOP a precio preferencial. Se solicitará un precio preferencial para asistir al Congreso SIOP. El Past President SLAOP será el presidente continental SIOP Latinoamérica. Estas proposiciones deberán discutirse con SIOP durante Vconhgreso en Washington.

Posteriormente se votó y se aprobó nuevos estatutos que permitan transformar SLAOP en una Asociación Civil pasando a llamarse Sociedad Latinoamericana de Oncología Pediátrica AC. que básicamente continua siendo una organización sin fines de lucro y prácticamente con los mismos derechos y deberes de los estatutos previos. Con esta nueva identidad se podrá abrir cuenta corriente en México lo que permitirá cobrar cuotas por Internet y facilitará la realización de trámites legales.


Between April 5 and 8, 2017 in Buenos Aires, the XXVIII Congress of SLAOP was held with very good evaluation and assistance. Four slides are included with the information.

A working proposal was discussed with SIOP where the basic agreement was made to make a joint work SLAOP / SIOP, in such a way that SLAOP is the visible face of SIOP in Latin America. It was decided by vote that two separate institutions continue to exist, each with its own authorities and with its own website. Past President SLAOP will be the continental president SIOP Latin America. These proposals should be discussed with SIOP during the congress in Washington.

Subsequently, new statutes were approved to allow SLAOP to be transformed into a Civil Association and renamed Sociedad Latinoamericana de Oncología Pediátrica AC. Which basically continues to be a non-profit organization and practically with the same rights and duties of the previous statutes. With this new identity, it will be possible to open a current account in Mexico, which will allow to collect fees through the Internet and facilitate the execution of legal procedures

In Chile Children with cancer under one year of age can be cared for by their parents who are legally licensed to leave their job and care for their child.

On June 19, 2017, a project was presented to create compulsory solidarity insurance that benefits working parents whose children over 1 year and under 15 or 18 years of age, if they are treated for cancer (and other very complicated diseases), can obtain a Medical license for the purpose of providing care, accompaniment or personal care to the child, receiving during that period an economic benefit that totally or partially replaces his or her remuneration or income. This Law document was signed by the President of Chile Dr. Michelle Bachelet J. and her Ministers of Labor Mrs. Alejandra Krauss V. and Minister of Health Dr. Carmen Castillo T. We believe that this project is an initial step to allow the accompaniment of parents to their children with cancer in Chile.



Juan A. Quintana B, MD

SIOP LatinAmerican Continental President