On worklife balance
Hi all. It is our great pleasure to introduce Jérémie Gaudichon, MD and PhD-to-be from France. He has agreed to write about work/life balance from a male perspective, and we are very grateful for his contribution to the blog.
It’s Mental Health Month on the SIOP YI Blog!
My name is Rene Marke, I am a 4th year PhD student and board member of the SIOP-YI network. I would like to welcome you to the SIOP YI Mental Health month.
Balancing Multiple and Diverse Research Interests
Hi everyone! Today I am posting on behalf of previous SIOP YI-NET member Kathryn Demanelis (USA), check out her post about how she balances her diverse research interests:
I am not sure if I am the best person to write about how to balance research interests since I am generally interested in everything. My dissertation research examined two broad topics: descriptive pediatric cancer epidemiology in Southeast Asia and chronic cadmium exposure and its effects on the epigenome. Both of these projects were based in Thailand and focused on vulnerable populations. Otherwise, these projects are quite different and involve very different datasets, types of analyses, and research questions.
On Work Life Balance and Parental Guilt
Hi everyone! I’m Gemma, a member of SIOP YI and a qualitative researcher in paediatric palliative care in the UK. Today I’m writing about something I’ve struggled with in the past: guilt.
Balancing Family Life and Research
Hi everybody! My name is Liliana, I am a pediatric oncologist and a Young Investigator. I would like to start a discussion about what I consider is one of the most important challenges in our life as researchers, clinicians and scientists: How to “balance” a family life and a demanding professional life.