Work life balance

On worklife balance

Hi all. It is our great pleasure to introduce Jérémie Gaudichon, MD and PhD-to-be from France. He has agreed to write about work/life balance from a male perspective, and we are very grateful for his contribution to the blog.

By Gemma |

Perspectives on Mental Health from a Researcher Working on a Project with Children with a Poor Prognosis

Hi Everyone! My name is Gemma, I’m a researcher in Paediatric Palliative Care and a SIOP YI Board member. As part of our mental health month, today I am posting on behalf of my colleague Dr Ellen M Henderson, who shares her experience of working on a longitudinal study of decision making with children with brain tumours.

By Gemma |

It’s Mental Health Month on the SIOP YI Blog!

My name is Rene Marke, I am a 4th year PhD student and board member of the SIOP-YI network. I would like to welcome you to the SIOP YI Mental Health month.

By Rene |

On Work Life Balance and Parental Guilt

Hi everyone! I’m Gemma, a member of SIOP YI and a qualitative researcher in paediatric palliative care in the UK. Today I’m writing about something I’ve struggled with in the past: guilt.

By Gemma |

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