Wade Kyono, Dr

Wade Kyono, Dr


Dr. Wade Kyono is a full-time clinician with fifteen percent of his time devoted to research and education.  He is the principal investigator for COG and coordinates these cooperative group research activities with the University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center NCI Community Oncology Research Program (UHCC NCORP). His areas of interest include neutrophil/ myeloid cell signaling and function, iron overload/ chelation therapy, hematopoietic progenitor cell transplant for non-malignant conditions, as well as general clinical pediatric oncology. His prior research in neutrophil function and signaling in Pacific Islander children with increased infections was supported by a NIH/RCMI minority institution grant (CCRE) funded through the Kapi’olani Clinical Research Center, and a Leahi Fund Hawaii Community Foundation Grant. He is involved with the 1st year clinical skills preceptorship and the teaching of 3rd and 4th year medical students during their pediatric rotations, along with the training of pediatric residents. He participates as a Medical Advisory Board member for the Hawai‘i Chapter of Make-A-Wish.
Dr. Kyono attended Johns Hopkins University in Maryland prior to receiving an MD degree and completing a Pediatric residency at John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii. He completed a fellowship at Children’s Hospital LA, Division of Hem-Onc before returning to Hawaii. He is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at JABSOM.

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