Punjwani Rehana, Ms
Rehana Punjwani, RN, BSN have 16 years of experience in pediatric hematology/oncology nursing working in direct patient care and nursing administration. Presently she is working as Manager Nursing Pediatric and Manager Nursing Education .She is a founding member of Pediatric Oncology Nursing Education Department at The Indus Hospital which is first department in country to offer courses for pediatric oncology nursing. She has developed several educational courses and have worked with Pakistan’s Nursing Council to obtain approval for a post-RN diploma in pediatric oncology nursing offered by the Pediatric Oncology Nursing Education Department. This is the only hospital in Pakistan to offer pediatric oncology nursing education and the only department licensed to offer a post-RN diploma. She is a co-chair of SIOP PODC Nursing and is also involved in several national and international projects to improve pediatric oncology nursing in Lower and Middle income countries.