Title: Radiotherapy in Medulloblastomas

Date: December 11th / Wednesday

Time: 15:00

Time zone: CET

Speaker’s bio:

R.D. Kortmann MD

1984-1992 Department of Radiology, Radiooncology Stuttgart, Essen,Tuebingen

1992-2004 Consultant Radiooncology, University of Tuebingen, 2004-2022 Head of Department, Department of  Radiation Therapy, University of Leipzig

Since 6/2022 Advisory position West German Proton Therapy Center Essen

Session description:

The talk will address the basic principles and future developments in the management of medulloblastoma

Special attention will be paid to RT technologies (craniospinal irradiation), treatment ouctcomes and late effects

Registration link (member): here

Registration link (non SIOP member): here