Dear SIOP Members,

We invite you to renew your SIOP membership for the next calendar year 2025. SIOP memberships are important because they allow us to continue offering activities and events throughout the year.

A membership to SIOP comes with many benefits, including cheaper registration rates for the SIOP Annual Congress!

To RENEW your Membership:

Please log into your SIOP CONNECT with your SIOP username and password, navigate to MY PROFILE, click on RENEW NOW! at the top of the screen and follow the steps to pay with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard).

Feel free to select 1-year or 2-year memberships. For multi-year memberships, please contact the SIOP Membership Coordinator at

Thank you in advance for renewing your SIOP membership for year 2025!

Warm regards,

SIOP Secretariat