Dr. Caitlyn Duffy
Shushan Hovsepyan

The Global Health Network’s Young LMIC (Low-and middle-income countries) Working Group is a joint undertaking between Young SIOP and SIOP Global Health representing the interests of young professionals in the field of pediatric oncology living in LMICs. It provides an important platform for young professionals in LMICs to exercise leadership, develop personally and professionally.


  • Advocacy and Inclusion- Integrate interests of young professionals living in LMICs within SIOP and SIOP Global Health initiatives
  • Tailored Career Development – Training, mentoring, networking, and collaboration within the SIOP community
  • Foster a learning environment that embraces diversity
  • Strengthen and expand strategic partnerships.


  • Educational sessions, webinars, and virtual meetings
  • Providing educational opportunities for career development in research and clinical skills.
  • Identify opportunities for members to engage with SIOP Global Health working group and facilitate opportunities for early career leadership roles.
  • Dedicated sessions at the SIOP annual meeting.
  • Networking and mentorship opportunities for members.
  • Contributing to the Young SIOP blog.

Join This Working Group

You can join this Working Group and any other SIOP Network/Working Group by logging into SIOP CONNECT, going to GROUP, clicking on the Network/Working Group Name and then clicking on the JOIN button. For detailed guidance, please see this page with SIOP CONNECT Frequently Asked Questions. Once you join, you will start receiving all their communications, including future engagement and networking opportunities.