Low Grade Glioma, DiSPLeN Webinar

SIOP GHN launched a new initiative titled Disease-Specific Portal for Learning & Networking (acronym: DiSPLeN) to provide additional learning opportunities for SIOP members.  This will comprise a GHN-led learning forum on various aspects of care directed but not limited to the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer Six Indexed Cancers.


December 6, 2024 - 3:00 pm


December 6, 2024 - 4:00 pm


https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__-FjhCIhRpiXvQ9egeh1Vg#/registration   View map

Hosted by the SIOP GHN Disease-Specific Portal for Learning & Networking (DiSPLeN)

Moderators: Naureen Mushtaq (Pakistan) & Muhammad Saghir Khan (Saudi Arabia)

Speakers: Introduction to DiSPLeN: Muhammad Saghir Khan (Saudia Arabia) Brief Case Scenario: Farah Bashir (Pakistan)

Invited Speaker: Prof. Eric Bouffet (Canada)

What is DiSPLeN?

SIOP GHN launched a new initiative titled Disease-Specific Portal for Learning & Networking (acronym: DiSPLeN) to provide additional learning opportunities for SIOP members.  This will comprise a GHN-led learning forum on various aspects of care directed but not limited to the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer Six Indexed Cancers. Various learning sessions on case-based discussion, diagnosis and referral pathways/Access to Care, and advanced diagnostics and therapeutic modalities will be hosted by the DiSPLeN team.

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