The SIOP Supportive Care Network and Global Infectious Diseases Program from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are collaborating on preparing and publishing a flipchart on vascular access devices.
This flipchart can be used by nurse educators and others worldwide to support their efforts to train and educate healthcare providers in preventing and controlling infections during the use and management of these devices in pediatric patients.
The flipchart will be made available for free, in multiple languages, and will be accessible digitally as well as for download for physical use in any institution.
We are seeking volunteers who would like to contribute to the project.
Key milestones will include preparing and reviewing the training content, reviewing translations for accuracy, and approving final copies for publication.
We hope to share and distribute the final product at SIOP 2025 in Amsterdam.
If you are interested in participating in this project, please email Maysam Homsi at