Join our UHC Day campaign virtual letter-writing workshop on September 10, 2024
The online (Zoom) workshop will include a presentation on the 2024 UHC Day campaign, a capacity-building session on effective advocacy and powerful letter writing, and a Q&A discussion for participants to ask questions about and seek feedback on their advocacy work
World Radiotherapy Awareness Day (WRAD)
Join us in creating and promoting World Radiotherapy Awareness Day (WRAD)
SIOP Spotlight on India
In this SIOP Spotlight webinar, the SIOP GHN Partnerships WG will highlight collaborative research from India, a country with the largest population in the world, which is harnessing the power of numbers to its advantage and engaging in collaborative research to arrive at solutions in pediatric cancer not only for this region, but also for the world
Globalizing and Democratizing Mentorship in Paediatric Oncology: a SIOP Mentorship Project
The SIOP Mentorship Project is an initiative of the SIOP Supportive Care Network and is open to SIOP members under the age of 40 years
SIOP Committee & Networks Petition
If you feel that a specific need to care for children with cancer is not met by any of our current networks and committees, you can submit a petition for a new network
SIOP GHN Research & Innovation WG – Educational Webinar
Join us for the SIOP GHN Research & Innovation WG – Educational Webinar
SIOP Nursing Network Quality Improvement Scholars Program
The Quality Improvement (QI) Nurse Scholars Program selected eight nurse-led teams