Dear friends,

Join us for the next education webinar of the SIOP Nutrition Network on 02 May at 20.30 hrs Australian Eastern Standard Time.


Meeting ID: 948 9230 3447

Speaker: Dr Jennifer Cohen

Title: Reboot-Kids – an online, parent-led intervention to improve fruit and vegetable intake in childhood cancer survivors.

Bio: Dr Jennifer Cohen is a senior research fellow in the School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Health at UNSW Sydney, and the Evaluation Manger at Canteen, Australia. She has over 18 years experience as a clinical dietitian and researcher, with publications focusing on the supportive care needs of children and young people with cancer, both during and after treatment. Her primary project at UNSW is the Reboot-Kids Program, an online, parent-led intervention to improve fruit and vegetable intake in children early off cancer treatment.


Kind Regards,

Judy Schoeman: SIOP Nutrition Network co-chair

on behalf of the SIOP Nutrition Network Steering Committee:
Judy Schoeman, Co-Chair
Jeremy Slone, Co-Chair
Rajul Gala, Steering Group Member: LMIC; Minke Huibers, Steering Group Member: Research; Karina Viani, Steering Group Member: Young SIOP; Amy Lovell, Steering Group Member: Education; Raquel Revuelta-Iniesta, Steering Group Member: Education