Dear Pediatric Oncology Colleagues,
We are a global, multidisciplinary society dedicated to improving the lives of children and adolescents with cancer through collaboration, education, training, research, and advocacy. SIOP’s Nutrition in High Income Countries working group is dedicated to the understanding and promotion of optimal, achievable nutrition care for all patients – and we need your expertise!
We invite you to participate in a survey to better understand nutritional practices in High Income Countries across the globe.
By giving us insight into nutrition practices at your institution you will be helping to expand our knowledge and understanding of how pediatric oncology nutrition care is delivered throughout the world.
Participation is voluntary and anonymous.
If you are interested in completing our survey, you may access it here:
Please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues!
Thank you so much for your time and help.
Best Regards,
Erin Gordon, RD
Co-chair SIOP Nutrition in High Income Countries
Wim Tissing, MD
Co-chair SIOP Nutrition in High Income Countries