Be Part of World Radiotherapy Awareness Day!

Join us in creating and promoting World Radiotherapy Awareness Day (WRAD). This initiative is a collaborative effort, designed to be owned by everyone in the community rather than any single organisation.

How You Can Get Involved:

– Sign Up: Join our email list via the QR code on the flyer or link here.

– Spread the Word: Share this initiative with your network – the more participants, the greater our impact.

– Save the Date: Participate in one of our on-line sessions during London Global Cancer Week on Thursday 14 November 2024 at either 9-10am or 6-7pm, UK time.

– Why Attend a Session? Be part of the decision making behind the date, the logo and the theme for the official launch in 2025! Registration information to follow.

We look forward to your ideas and participation in making World Radiotherapy Awareness Day a success.


Kind regards,


On behalf of the:

World Radiotherapy Day Planning Committee