The objectives of the GHN Nutrition Working Group are:

  1. Education & Training:  Establish and create nutrition resources and training programs for institutions to learn about nutrition assessment and intervention.
  2. Research: Perform research to further understand the prevalence of under- and over-nutrition, examine nutrition indices classifying nutrition status, and examine the efficacy of interventions in low resourced countries.
  3. Collaboration: Facilitate research and educational collaborations, mentoring (study design, implementation, and analysis), and scientific communication between high income countries and low resourced countries.
  4. Advocacy: Assist in the identification of funding and resources to improve access to nutrition resources and support for nutrition interventions.


  • Monthly educational meetings and clinical discussions
  • Collaborative research projects
  • Seek collaboration within the nutrition group for new research opportunities
  • Research studies ongoing in Asia, Brazil, Central America, South Africa