Collaborative Wilms Tumour Africa Project
The project is implementing a SIOP PODC adapted treatment guideline for Wilms tumour in several centres in sub-Saharan Africa. This is done as a multi centre prospective clinical trial with uniform outcome evaluation. The project started in 2014. More than 300 patients have been included and treated. End of treatment survival without evidence of disease […]

Nursing Baseline Standards
The baseline nursing standards for low-and middle-income countries address six minimal standards for pediatric oncology nursing care.

Global Mapping of Paediatric Oncology Services
We would like to invite you to join an exciting initiative, the SIOP Global Mapping of Paediatric Oncology Services. The main objective of this effort is to collect information via a survey on the current landscape of paediatric oncology services around the world, and the resources available in each individual country. The survey includes questions regarding […]

Paediatric Oncology Nurse Day
September is international ‘Childhood Cancer Awareness Month’, and September 8th is ‘Paediatric Oncology Nurses Day’