Make a donation to SIOP through CAF America

SIOP is eligible to receive grants from CAF America. This means that U.S. donors can donate to CAF America and suggest that CAF America in turn will make a grant to our organization.

Simplify your giving: give through CAF America

CAF America is a global grantmaking organization assisting corporations, foundations, and individuals. It streamlines the grantmaking process to eliminate risk and administrative burden. US donors cannot give directly to foreign charitable organizations and obtain a tax deduction. As a US public charity, CAF America is able to accept funds from US donors who can then recommend that CAF America use those funds to support foreign charitable organizations or projects. It enables donors to support the causes they care about by assisting them in making strategic, effective, and tax-advantaged grants internationally and domestically.
International giving can be complex. With CAF America, it doesn’t have to be and in fact CAF America provides end-to-end back office administration support services . CAF America and its subsidiaries have given more than $2 billion in charitable donations to organizations in over 120 countries around the world.


Donor Advised Gifts (DAGs) are the perfect solution for US donors who want to give globally without establishing a Fund at CAF America. DAGs enable all types of US donors, including individuals, foundations, and corporations, to make single donations as desired, by check, credit card, or wire transfer. With DAGs donors make a single tax-effective gift to CAF America and recommend that the funds be further granted to the foreign charitable organization of their choosing.

Give with Confidence

CAF America conducts industry-leading due diligence reviews of international and domestic organizations to ensure that all grants are made to legitimate charitable programs, funds are used for their intended purpose and are in full compliance with all US laws as well as local government regulations. This enables donors to mitigate the risk, reputational exposure and administrative burden associated with international grantmaking, while allowing them to make impactful, cost-effective and tax-advantaged gifts. In addition, with CAF America’s validation and due diligence protocols, approved organizations remain eligible for upwards of two years. For more information and to make a gift to SIOP, please visit this page Donor Advised Gift “Give Now”.

The Process

You can donate to SIOP directly from the CAF America website here.
You can donate by check payable to CAF America, wire transfer made to Caf America or Credit Card filling out this Gift Form.
All donations must be accompanied by a signed Gift FormDonations without a signed Gift Form will be returned. CAF America is required to confirm donor identity in accordance with anti-money laundering regulations and best practice recommendations.
CAF America does not distribute, sell, or otherwise release any donor information for any reason unless required by law. Send the form, together with your donation.