
The SIOP Global Mapping Programme has the potential to benefit everyone, especially the children and adolescents for whom we care.

The main objective of this effort is to collect information on the current landscape of paediatric oncology services around the world, and the resources available in each individual country.

We are reaching out to leadership in hospitals and institutions around the world. If you receive a request to register on Resonance and enter data for your hospital please do so. Answering questions regarding childhood cancer services in your facility should take less than 10 minutes of your time.

In April 2023 Dr Maite Gorostegui was appointed as Chair of the SIOP Global Mapping Programme. Dr. Gorostegui is a paediatric oncologist, and brings a lot of energy, guidance and leadership to the programme as we map Asia, and continue to add data to Latin America and Africa.


  • Create a baseline of the current paediatric oncology resources available in each country. This will help SIOP and international, regional and national stakeholders in their respective childhood cancer advocacy.
  • Provide and maintain accurate information about every hospital or institution that treats children/adolescents with cancer. This is of benefit to stakeholders locally, regionally, and nationally and for SIOP members, e.g., for patient referrals or research outreach.
  • Provide a network of resources to help develop collaborations between institutions and networks.
  • Maintain an online map showing where each hospital or institution that treats children/adolescents with cancer is located.

We will publish the results and share the findings with interested stakeholders beyond SIOP. We will not identify participants by name or by hospital/institution. We will only report data by country.

Our Map

The SIOP Global Mapping Programme and data is being held and managed on Resonance’s secure site here.

How to view the map? What is on the map?

You can access the map in 2 ways.
1. SIOP Global Mapping page https://siop-online.org/globalmapping/
Resonance GLobal Mapping page https://resonancehealth.org/siop-map

Currently data from LATAM & Africa are displayed but data from other continents will be added soon.

Map data is updated monthly.

How to access your data?

The map displays:
– hospital name, city, country, and website/Facebook page is provided
– the other data in regard to treatment services provided is not displayed on the map as this information is owned by the hospital/institution and kept in the backend

If you provided data you should have received an invitation to access the data your provided from Resonance. Accepting this invitation and creating a password gives you access to view and edit your data.

If you missed this email or need help accessing contact support@resonancehealth.org

What if you want to make corrections?

If your centre is already included in the map but you think there is some information that is incorrect you can submit a correction.
Use the submit correction button on the Resonance global mapping page.

Option 1: If you are the administrator of your site you can correct the data yourself.
Option 2: If you are part of a site but were not the one who provided the data, we will let you know who the admin of your site is and you can make a request for them to make the correction or join the site so you can make the correction yourself.

My country and/or institution is not on the map. What can I do?

Please contact info@siop-online.org for more information on how to join our Global Mapping of Peadiatric Oncology Services Project.

Steering Committee

Dr Guillermo Chantada (Argentina)

Lead, Latin America Data Collection
SIOP President

Dr Maite Gorostegui (Spain)

Global Mapping Chair

Dr Eric Bouffet (Canada)

Past SIOP President

Mr Neil Ranasinghe (UK)

SIOP Global Health Network Member

Prof Hiroki Hori (Japan)

SIOP Asia Continental President

Dr Jennifer Geel (South Africa)

Lead, Africa Data Collection

Prof Kathy Pritchard-Jones (UK)

SIOP Immediate Past President

Dr Joyce Kambugu (Uganda)

SIOP Africa Continental President

Dr Julia Challinor (USA)

Past SIOP Secretary General

Dr Scott Howard (USA)

Platform Provider & Technical Support
CEO Resonance Health

Dr Andrea Cappellano (Brazil)

SIOP Latin America Continental President/SLAOP President



The SIOP Global Mapping Programme is very grateful for the long term support being provided by Sanofi Foundation S (formerly Sanofi Espoir Foundation).

The SIOP Global Mapping Programme is very grateful for the long term technical and administratve support being provided by the Resonance Health team.


Results from Africa with Dr. Jennifer Geel

Launching of Latin America SIOP Global Mapping (Virtual) February 22, 2024

Questions & Contact

Please see the FAQs  for more information or email info@siop-online.org or support@resonancehealth.org.