You are invited to a combined educational meeting of the GHN Nutrition & Pharmacology WG’s

Topic: Impact of Malnutrition on the Pharmacokinetics of Chemotherapy in Children with Cancer 

Audience: Anyone interested in nutrition & pharmacology & supportive care for children with cancer

Presenter: Nthongase Makamo, Paediatric Hematology Oncology Pharmacist, see biography

Date: Tuesday, 28 Febr  2023

Time: 3 pm SA ST / 8 am EST

Register for this Online Meeting

SIOP Members must have a Zoom account in order to join the Meeting — Zoom accounts are free and it takes 5 minutes to create one.

SIOP requires Zoom account registration for all its meetings in order to provide higher security of the meetings.


Best regards!

Judy Schoeman and Minke Huibers

Co-chairs SIOP Global Health Nutrition Workgroup