The next meeting of the SIOP Global Health Network’s Supportive Care Working Group will take place on September 15, 2022, at 7:00 am CST/ Memphis time. Please join us for this meeting.

Platform: SIOP Zoom

Please Register in advance and will receive a zoom link!

Agenda items:

  • Welcome
  • Supportive Care WG Membership and Terms of Reference
  • SIOP Global Health Network – Supportive Care Working Group on the SIOP Website
  • Regional SIOP Supportive Care for 2022- Events and News
  • Progress:
  1. Rehabilitation medicine
  2. Hemovigilance
  3. Infection care & prevention


Warm regards,

Miguela Caniza  and Sadaf Altaf

Co-Chairs of the SIOP GHN Supportive Care Working Group