SIOP is calling upon its members to contribute to the mission of the Society and its collaborative work in paediatric oncology education, research and advocacy around the world by nominating themselves or another member for election as SIOP Scientific Committee Member (one position is available).

The Scientific Committee wishes to have a broad representation of clinical, translational, and basic research in malignant hematology, solid non-CNS tumors and CNS tumors all well as other disciplines such as supportive care, late effects, and epidemiology.

To complement the expertise of existing Members, the Scientific Committee is particularly interested in nominations of SIOP Members with expertise in neuro-oncology.

We are encouraging members residing in Latin America or Oceania to apply, to ensure a broad geographic representation within our committee.


A SIOP Scientific Committee member is expected to have the following prerequisites:

  • Be an experienced, accredited senior health professional in the field of paediatric oncology
  • Have an established track record in basic, translational or clinical research in paediatric oncology with a strong publication record, with accomplishments in education and teaching
  • Have broad-ranging expertise in the field of paediatric oncology, for which she/he is the representative on the Scientific Committee
  • Show commitment and be in a position to sustain reliable communication (especially e-mail) with the SIOP Office
  • All positions require substantial commitment of time and energy. Consequently, candidates should be willing to commit him/herself to the task, including attending the SIOP Congress and the pre-Congress Scientific Committee meeting each year, and the Scientific Committee meeting in the spring of each year during which the Program for the upcoming Congress is finalized

Election Process

Final candidates will be selected by the Nomination committee* and put forward for final vote by all SIOP members in good standing.
*Nomination committee comprises of SIOP Board of Directors and Scientific Committee.

Election Timeline

Announcement Call for Nominations: January 2025
Deadline for Nominations: February 11 , 2025 (12:00 noon CET)
Selection of Candidates by Nomination Committee*
Announcement of Candidates & Online Voting: end of February 2025
Online Voting Deadline: March 11, 2025 (12:00 noon CEST)
Result announcement: By email to all candidates and SIOP members shortly after the voting deadline and formally at the Annual Business Meeting during the 57th  Annual Congress (Amsterdam, the Netherlands Oct 20 – 23, 2025).
*Nomination Committee comprises of the current  Board of Directors and Scientific Committee.

How Can I Nominate Myself or Another Candidate?

Complete the online Nomination Form – click here (or button below)

The term of office is three years and will start after the SIOP 2025 Annual Meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

We look forward to receiving your nominations and your commitment as a member is of vital importance to the Society, and we strongly count on your support in helping us shape the future of the society.

Kind regards,
Asim Belgaumi (Scientific Committee Chair)
Marry van den Heuvel-Eibrink ( (Scientific Committee Cha