Dear SIOP North America Members,
The call for nominations for the SIOP North America Continental President Elect has ended on April 6, 2024.
We have received one nomination (Dr Jeffrey Dome, current SIOP North America Continental President) and will run the formal elections with his candidature.
Dr Jeffrey Dome (USA) has kindly agreed to extend his term one more time and please see his CV and motivation letter here
At the same time, the SIOP North America Board would like to take this online voting opportunity to also give you the option to cast your vote on the suggested modification to the current SIOP North America by-laws.
The SIOP North America Board of Directors recommends the following amendments to the SIOP-NA bylaws. Please review and submit your vote regarding these amendments together with the North America President elections via the link below:
- To decrease the required quorum for the SIOP-NA President Election from 25% to 10%. The rationale is that we have had difficulty getting a 25% quorum in various surveys and elections we have conducted. The SIOP-NA Board believes that 10% is achievable and provides a good representation of SIOP-NA membership.
- To decrease the voting quorum required to change the SIOP-NA bylaws from 25% to 10%. The rationale is similar to that for the President election.
- To allow people in their inaugural terms as SIOP-NA officers or committee chairs to run for re-election/have a second term if their initial term was defined as 4 years. The rationale is that the current version of the bylaws staggered terms for the inaugural Secretary, Treasurer, and committee chairs of 3, 4, and 5 years to avoid complete turnover of SIOP-NA leaders at once. The bylaws stipulated that those serving 4 or 5 year terms are not eligible for re-election. However, leaders serving 4-year terms expressed desire to continue the work they have started. The amendment would allow individuals serving an inaugural term of 4 years to serve one additional 3-year term.
- Add Vice Chairs as recognized committee leaders.
- Specify that Canada, the United States (including Puerto Rico), and certain English-speaking countries in the Caribbean are included in SIOP-NA.
- Add Nursing as one of the SIOP-NA standing committees. The rationale is that the Nursing Committee was added by the Executive Committee after the original bylaws were approved
- Add two extra members to the SIOP-NA Executive Committee—the two additional members will serve 1-year terms and will be composed of SIOP-NA Committee Chairs on a rotating basis. The rationale is to allow greater representation on the Executive Committee and to expose other SIOP-NA leaders to the workings of the Executive Committee for training and succession planning.
Kindly find a redline version of the by-laws for download and review here
Announcement Online Voting: April 17, 2024
Deadline for Online Voting: May 15, 2024 (12:00 noon CEST)
Result announcement: By email to and formally at the SIOP North America/SIOP Annual Business Meeting held during the 56th Annual Congress (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Oct 17 – 20, 2024)
We look forward to receiving your votes!
We strongly count on your support in helping us shape the future of the SIOP North America.
Kind regards,
Adam Esbenshade (SIOP North America Secretary General) on behalf of the SIOP North America Board