The SIOP Board of Directors recently approved the creation of the SIOP Survivorship Network. This Network aims to build a global network of interested healthcare professionals and foster the development of resource-adapted, sustainable survivorship care across all settings. The Network will align with SIOP Strategic Goals by promoting global awareness on survivorship, providing easy access to information about long-term follow-up guidelines, providing mentorship, conducting webinars and other educational initiatives, fostering global survivorship research, establishing collaborations and increasing the representation of survivorship research in the SIOP Annual Congress.
We are now happy to announce the first cohort of leaders of the Survivorship Network:
- Maya Prasad MD (India), Co-Chair
- Nurdan Taçyıldız MD (Türkiye), Co-Chair
- Katrin Scheinemann MD (Switzerland), Steering Group Member
- Maria Olsson RN (Sweden), Steering Group Member
- Sidney Chahonyo (Kenya) Steering Group Member
- David Noyd MD (USA), Steering Group Member
- Maria Otth MD (Switzerland), Steering Group Member and YSN representative
You can find more about the leaders’ background below. Feel free to reach out to the Network leaders ( or directly through SIOP CONNECT. The leaders are working on designing and offering member activities in the field of survivorship.
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Warm regards,
SIOP Secretariat
Biography of SIOP Survivorship Network Leaders
Dr. Maya Prasad is a Professor, Paediatric Oncology unit at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. She joined Tata Memorial Centre as faculty in January 2013 and has been part of the Paediatric Solid Tumour and Paediatric Neuro Oncology division. She has been closely associated with the “After Completion of Treatment” Clinic since then, and currently leads the survivorship program at her centre which cares for about 6,000 survivors of childhood cancer. A large part of her research and publications has focused on various aspects of survivorship. She is actively involved in several national and international initiatives in late effects. She has been involved in various roles in SIOP and SIOP Asia.
Dr. Nurdan Tacyildiz graduated from Hacettepe University Medical Faculty in 1984 and completed her pediatric residence programme at Dr Sami Ulus Children Hospital in 1990. She received pediatric oncology degree in 1996 after completing her fellowship programme at Ankara University Medical Faculty. During her oncology fellowship programme, she received scholarship from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and joined the pediatric oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation ( BMT) Unit at the Tokyo National Cancer Institute in 1993. After her fellowship programme, she recived TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific Research Council)–NATO scholarship for post doctorate research at Molecular Virology Department of Center for Disease Control in Atlanta (1996-1997) and worked on EBV and Burkitt’s lymphoma. After 1998, she started work as faculty at Ankara University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Oncology. She received Associated prof degree in 1999 and Professor degree in 2006. She established first Turkish Survivorship Guideline as a TPOG (Turkish Pediatric Oncology Group) Project in 2019. Dr Tacyildiz has been as member in many National and international oncology associations including TPOG, SIOP, ASCO, ASH, INCTR, MECC etc. She is the previous president of the TPOG after serving more than 12 years in several position in the TPOG Board. She is the leader of the TPOG Survivorship Programme and Project manager of the multicenter side effect studies like Cardiotoxicity etc.
Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Scheinemann is a board certified pediatric haematologist/ oncologist from Switzerland. Her research focus is in the area of survivorship care of childhood and adolescent cancer with an established research group (LACC – Life after childhood cancer). She is the chair of PanCare (Pan-European network for care of survivor after childhood and adolescent cancer) and the SIOPE Brain Tumor Group, where she is also the co-chair of the Quality of survival working group. She is also a long standing member of the International Guideline Harmonization Group (IGHG) for late effects of childhood cancer.
Maria Olsson, RN, PhD, specializes in survivorship after childhood cancer. She has extensive experience as a nurse in various roles at a pediatric oncology center. Currently, she is based at the LTFUC in Gothenburg, Sweden, where survivorship care is provided by a multidisciplinary team for patients aged 18 years and older. Dr. Olsson serves as the chair of NOBOS (Nordic/Baltic Pediatric Oncology Nurses), a division of NOPHO. In this role, she advocates for survivorship and has presented her research on multiple occasions. Ongoing research projects focus on various aspects concerning childhood cancer survivors, including psychosocial and existential issues. Additionally, she is involved in studies on adolescents and young adult cancer patients, both during and after cancer care.
Mr. Sidney Misigo Chahonyo has over 14 years’ experience in the public, private and social impact sectors. Sidney has been cancer free for over 19 years and is dedicated to changing the cancer landscape. He is passionate about creating lasting social impact with regard to holistic childhood cancer care in Kenya. He holds a Bachelor of Business in International Business and Marketing and a Master of Science in Management & Organizational Development. He serves as the Fundraising Director of Hope for Cancer Kids, Kenya. He sits on the board of the Kenyan Network of Cancer Organizations and serves on the board as well as the African Regional Committee of Childhood Cancer International. Sidney is a member of the technical working group for Childhood Cancer and also a member of the TWG on Advocacy Communication & Social Mobilization at the National Cancer Control Program, Kenya.
Dr. David Noyd is the Medical Director of the Cancer Survivor Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital and an attending physician on the Leukemia/Lymphoma team in the Center for Blood Disorders and Cancer. He is also an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine. With the goal to improve the lives of survivors, he is dedicated to leading a survivorship program built on population health management principles through the integration of clinical informatics methods to provide optimal care for survivors at greatest risk for late effects, harness real-world data for health equity research, and inform risk-based care for survivors in limited resource settings. He has expertise in clinical informatics and works with a team to harmonize data for the National Childhood Cancer Registry as part of the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative at the National Cancer Institute. Focused on global survivorship to support care in limited resource settings, Dr. Noyd is an active collaborator on the Pan American Health Organization/Latin American Society of Pediatric Oncology Survivorship Working Group as well as the Adapted Resource and Implementation Application Guide Survivorship Team.
Dr. Maria Otth is a a board-certificated pediatric oncologist from Switzerland. The main focus of her clinical care and research is survivorship and long-term follow-up care. She is also actively involved in the international guideline development (International Guideline Harmonization Group, ARIA).