Dear SIOP Network, Committee and WG leaders,
Big thanks to our SIOP leaders for their hard work and dedication to SIOP and their Network/ Cmt/ WG members. Please take a few minutes to see the variety of work that has been developed and offered in Jan 2024 as well as a few updates and opportunities.
- NN’s CARE WG (Shelby Sandoval and Shenila Anwarali): excellent educational session held on 1/25/2024 and 2nd education session is scheduled for 21/2/2024! Wonderful start to continued nursing education for our nurse members in 2024.
- SUPPORTIVE CARE NETWORK (Miguela Caniza and Pia Delano): a meeting with members was held on 1/17/2024 to hear their ideas for events and learning opportunities.
- SCN’s REHAB SIG (Abu Sidhanee and Pia Delano) of the Supportive Care Network: the SIG held an open meeting on and sent out a survey on rehabilitation on ped oncology
- NORTH AMERICA YOUNG SIOP COMMITTEE (Louise Guolla et al) – survey and call for volunteers was sent out to young professionals in USA & Canada.
- NUTRITION NETWORK (Judy Schoeman and Jeremy Slone) – they are putting the final touches on a lit review on Nutritional Practices; they held a SG meeting in late January to operationalize the TOR and the Nutritional offerings for the year.
- GHN TRADITIONAL AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE WG (Mohammad Alqudimat, Ahmed Farrag): held a Journal meeting on 31/1/2024 focusing on “Homeopathy “like with like” in pediatric oncology”.
- PARC COMMITTEE welcomed 4 new members selected from the general SIOP membership: Casey McAtee, Oscar Ramirez, Naureen Mushtaq, and Nisreen Amayiri
Updates/ FYI
- A group of SIOP members petitioned the SIOP Board to establish a new Network on Epidemiology; the Board requested the petitioners to detail the type of activities they wish to offer and carry out;
- In Nov-Dec 2023, the SIOP Governance Committee reviewed and approved the revised TORs for the following Networks: PPO, WLPO, Nutrition, Nursing, Supportive Care and Young SIOP Networks; GHN TOR update was requested.
- Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Cohen-Gogo for being elected Co-Chair of SIOP Women Leaders Network!
- SIOP 2024 Congress (Hawaii) abstract submission and registration are now open
- Africa 2024 Congress (South Africa) abstract submission and registration are open
- Asia 2024 Congress (Japan): abstract submission and registration are open
- As of today, SIOP member renewal campaign has resulted in 950+ payments. As of today, SIOP members for 2024 are 2,000+. This is an excellent start to 2024! Roughly 33% are choosing to buy 2-year memberships. One person bought 10-year membership to SIOP!
- All Network, Committee and WG leaders were reminded to renew their SIOP membership for 2024; as per SIOP bylaws, SIOP leaders need to be SIOP members in good standing, with fees paid for 2024
- Donors who supported SIOP in 2023 were acknowledged in a thank-you post, including private donors.
- As requested by the SIOP Board of Directors, GHN is in the process of restructuring and re-focusing, including all GHN WGs are re-developing their TORs. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please contact GHN Co-Chairs, SIOP President or the SIOP Secretariat.
Open Leadership Roles at SIOP: Have you thought about nominating yourself or another SIOP member? (Deadlines ended)
- Nominations are under way for WLPO Network SG Member, Nursing Network Chair and Vice-Chair (Feb 15, 2024), Nutrition Network SG members (Feb 8, 2024), Young SIOP Network Vice-Chair (Feb 15, 2024)
- GHN WG Co-Chair Nominations – nominations are welcome for 4 leadership positions (Co-Chairs of AYA, Palliative Care, PROS and Psychosocial Wellbeing WGs. (Feb 19, 2024)
- Elections are also under way for PPO Co-Chair and SG members (Feb 12, 2024)
For your general SIOP knowledge
- Surveys, publications etc: the SIOP Publications and Endorsements Committee reviews every request for the use of SIOP’s name in publications, surveys etc before they go out. Please follow the process described here.
- The SIOP Weekly Bulletin goes out every Thursday. If you have a contribution to it, please email by Wed night.
If you have offered any member activities in January 2024 and this summary does not capture it, please update the Secretariat so that we can highlight your work in the future! We look forward to your activities and member engagement offerings in February 2024!
If the SIOP Secretariat can support you with anything in your SIOP initiatives, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards,
Tessie Laub on behalf of the SIOP Secretariat